Wie man Photovoltaik in die Landwirtschaft integriert?


Iberdrola has launched new challenges through its international Perseo start-up program. New challenges include identifying innovative and competitive solutions to integrate photovoltaic solar power plants with activities related to animal husbandry, horticulture, agriculture, fish farming or beekeeping to improve land use. This practice is called agricultural energy.


In this way, the company will try to find solutions to achieve complementarity and synergy between major industry activity sites and photovoltaic solar installations, which can promote local economic development. This is called agricultural energy. These projects focus particularly on areas facing demographic challenges while continuing to fight climate change and support energy transformation.

 farm solar mounting system

If the pilot project is successful, Iberdrola may also provide participants with the opportunity to expand the solution and adopt it through commercial agreements, while Perseo may even consider investing in companies that have won the challenge.


Selection criteria


The evaluation of the proposal will take into account criteria such as cost, maturity and applicability of the project, the diversity of crops that can be developed in the facility, the digitization of the proposal to improve efficiency, and the impact on agricultural productivity or livestock.


June 10 is the latest date for submission of proposals, and the date for winning projects is known to be September.


Technical and financial support for Iberdrola


Iberdrola will provide technical and financial support to challenge winners to test their solutions. In addition, it will help technical support to test your solution, enable you to access the necessary resources to verify it (devices, devices, infrastructure, high-tech sites and joint work areas), and it will provide a real environment and real data to test the solution.


If the pilot project is successful, Iberdrola may also provide participants with the opportunity to expand the solution and adopt it through commercial agreements, while Perseo may even consider investing in companies that have won the challenge.


The history of Perseo program


Founded in 2008, Perseo has invested 70 million euros in the development of innovative technologies and business model start-ups, focusing on technologies to improve the sustainability of the energy sector through greater electrification and decarbonization.

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